Demo Videos

Trust & Accountability for Environmental Data

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Video 1: LoRaTRUST Deployment and Backend

Video 2: WebApp Interface

Video 3: IoT Data Audit

Basic Steps Before Use LoRaTRUST Demo

Find bellow a very basic quick start before staring the demo. You find a detailed tutorial by clicking HERE.


Install Metamask

If you want to test the LoRaTRUST features, you first have to install Metamask in a web browser.

Set Up Metamask

Open Metamask login and click on forgot password method. It will start the "Secret Recovery Phrase". Ensure it is selected the "12-word phrase". Then copy the seed in the first field:

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It should complete the 12 fields automatically. Set a password, confirm it and then click Restore button

Configuring LoRaTRUST demo Network

The Demo network needs specific configuration, described below.

Ready for the Demo!

Now you should be able to acces the LoRaTRUST Demo with full experience.

If you are having trouble with the connection, please check the full tutorial.

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